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Brave at University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital

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Patients and staff members of the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital Unit 5 show how they're brave. Performed to "Brave" by Sara Bareilles (used with permission). Inspired by Sara Bareilles' music video found here:

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  1. Richard Lange

    Thank you all who have supported and told us to be brace if you were wondering I am the kid running out of the hospital with the cape on! I’m amazed at what a song could do to a person this impacted my life and many others. The nurses and doctors put a lot of work into this and Natalie Snyder put this together and I’m so lucky to have such amazing friends, family, nurses, doctors and supporters I am now almost 3 years cancer free and I’m so thankful for every day I get to wake up and live a normal life thanks so much~ Richie

  2. Nagidar23

    I just had a surgery that almost killed me, literally, I now have a massive scar on my stomach where they cut me open, seeing that little girl show her battle scars gives me courage, I’m 36 and that little girl can’t be older than 8 and she probably has more resilience than me, I have at least one more surgey to go through and that little girl is my strength for this surgery, I don’t know who she is, I wish I did so I could thank her for giving me the courage and strength to go through with this, if she, or anyone who knows who she is sees this message, tell her thank you for being my inspiration and strength, god bless you.

  3. Rachel Pittner

    This video gives me goosebumps (or brings me to tears) every single time. When I was going through A&P and other rough classes to become an RN, I kept watching this over and over and thinking THIS is what I’m doing it for–these kids who are braver than anyone can even imagine!

  4. Scott Donahue

    this was aboslutely beautiful. Tears are coming down my eyes. I dont cry often but this truly inspiring video got me going. God bless those kids and god bless the wonderful nurses and doctors who devote your time and care to making these kids have the best life they can while in this tragic circumstance. Thank you

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